Monday, 20 August 2012


Representaion Of Teenage Girls In The Media

The dove campaign for real beauty -

This commercial produced by Dove, to market their campaign for real beauty, is an advertisement that expresses the way that women are portrayed in the media in today's society.
Dove produced a campaign for women all around the world to prove to them that they are beautiful and that they don't need to look like the women in the media.

The representation of this advertisement is targeting how much the media influences young girls as they grow up and are being exposed to images of women everywhere. At the start of the commercial it shows a young girl who is happy and smiling indicating that she feels good about herself as she has not yet grown up into the artificial society and hasn't seen all the media. It then flashes lots of images on the screen of how women are portrayed in the media, showing the pressure that girls are put under, including: billboards, videos on television, magazines, manikins in shop windows, advertisements on television marketing products that will make you: younger, smaller, lighter, firmer, tighter, thinner, softer. It then shows how teenage girls cope with all this pressure from the media, including scenes of girls weighing themselves on the scales, working out on the treadmill at the gym, sticking their fingers down their throats to throw up their food, and plastic surgery to change their body. At the end it says "talk to your daughter before the beauty industry does.' which is targeting parents saying that they should teach their daughters about the media and tell them they are beautiful, before they grows up to become insecure with their bodies by looking at all these images of women in the world.

The commercial favors the fact that teenage girls are going to be influenced by the image of a 'perfect' women in the media and will feel pressure to be perfect. The commericial expresses the fact that all teenage girls in the world are going to be exposed to the media at some point in their life as they grow up, its saying that all girls will be effected and influenced by the flase image of women. The commerical is also telling parents to tell their daughters that they should be happy in their own skin before the media tells them they are unperfect. 

1 comment:

  1. Great post Brooke, it shows some great thought and ideas. I look forward to seeing what text you chose for your next post.
